Updating Rates

Rates can be updated in two ways. When rates are edited in a profile, new workfiles you create with that profile will have the updated rates.

See Overview - Rates.

Existing workfiles will not be updated. To apply new rates to existing workfiles, you will need to click on the workfile Rates tab. Edit rates in the appropriate screen as needed.When updating a rate in a workfile with a locked estimate and no supplement, you will be prompted to create a new supplement first. If a workfile has a locked estimate and an open supplement, the supplement amount will be adjusted depending on the rate change.

See Using Update Rates and Rules.

To apply the new rate to all estimate versions (i.e., E01, S01, etc.), you have the option to apply the new rate retroactively. The rate changes are then applied to the newly created supplement.

See Applying Rates Retroactively.



Workfile - Rates Tab







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